Battling the Big C and a 2023 Chamber Recap and Look Ahead

Battling the Big C and a 2023 Chamber Recap and Look Ahead
Alicia Bermes, President/CEO, Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Cancer. There’s no way to really prepare yourself when the doctor lays that news on you. Whether it’s your own diagnosis, or that of a family member or friend, it’s a gut punch. Some folks whither when they get the diagnosis. Others stiffen their spine and lean into it. They say no – not here, not now. When I’ve had family and friends receive the news, thankfully, they’ve inspired me with the grace and grit with which they attacked the situation, though sadly not all were able to come through that journey. Regardless, I’ve never been able to help seeing them as the John Wayne version of Rooster Cogburn, facing Ned Pepper across that field, shouting across it, “Fill your hand you son of a bitch!”, then kicking his horse into action, blazing away, twirling his rifle on one hand, and ultimately cutting down the entire Pepper gang.
In the latter part of 2022, our own Alicia Bermes received a cancer diagnosis, and like the others, she suddenly, in my eyes, took on the form of Rooster barreling into the bad guys. She’s come through the ordeal so far. I know that a lot of my fellow members have been wondering how she’s doing, so in today’s episode, Alicia will be sharing her journey with us and providing an update on what’s ahead.
She’ll also fill us in after that bit of conversation with a state of the Chamber, so to speak, sharing a recap of the past year, and a look forward to 2024.