Life is Light

Life is Light
Meet Stephen Smelley of Goldfinch Consulting
ph. (503) 708-1244 | Email Stephen
Stephen Smelley is a guy who lives in the light, and who is all about being resilient. If you didn’t take the time to hear his story and about the things he and his family have experienced, you’d never guess he went through them. And when you get into that story, you’ll also get a measure of the boy, and then the man, which will make you want to reframe your mind on the things that didn’t quite work out in your own life.
- Survivorscape
- Domestic Violence Hotline
- You Don't Say - Ep. 60 - Tuesday, 9/11 - It Started Like Any Other Day
#StephenSmelley #GoldfinchConsulting #9/11 #Survivorscape #domesticviolence
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