Race-Walking Toward a Better Community

Race-Walking Toward a Better Community
Meet Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg, Beaverton City Council President
At a young age, Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg learned the lessons of hard work. She and her siblings would help out their parents when it came to keeping up the building owned by her grandparents. That, and watching her parents, who came to parenthood early, working hard themselves to keep the lights on. The middle of three kids, Ashley was pretty much a straight arrow. You see she and her sibs grew up in Catholic schools, so as I can attest to, Sr. Mary Holywater is always whispering in your ear. That didn’t stop me from, well, coloring outside the lines. But it helped Ashley navigate her world.
After high school she went on to, of course, another Catholic school, the University of Portland. Ashley pursued a degree in Political Science, then attending law school at Willamette University, where she became an avowed progressive. In 2012, as the recession was in full swing, she took a contracting gig with Nike, where she discovered race walking. She entered the world of competition and won races from 1 mile to 20 kilometers, and she’s never stopped walking fast toward making Beaverton a better place.