The Bridge Builder

The Bridge Builder
Meet Nadia Hasan, Beaverton City Councilor
Her parents were immigrants. Her dad, Wasim, was born in India, and her mom, Shagufta, was a native of Pakistan. Wasim was a physicist and Shagufta was an MD. They came together through an arranged marriage and eventually found their way to Connecticut along with several other family members. The two started a family – three girls. This story is about their oldest daughter, Nadia.
Now you’d guess with all that brainpower between her parents she’d end up in a technical field. Something like one of the sciences. Maybe she’d be an engineer and build bridges… Not so much.
But, in fact, a bridge builder she became. When her family came to Oregon when she was a sophomore in high school, the introverted Nadia exploded out of her shell. So much so that she was nicknamed the bridge builder in high school. Throughout her life she’s built bridges for her family, helping them assimilate, with fellow students who were new to her school, then as an HR recruiter and teacher, and now within her community… Nadia Hasan… is a bridge builder indeed.